Video aspect ratio
16 : 9
1 : 1
9 : 16
Frames per second
Artificial intelligence

Video Presentation Maker Online

Browse our large collection of presentation toolkits and find the one that perfectly suits your needs. Create animated explainers, whiteboard animations, and corporate videos to meet different business objectives. Share important research information with infographics and other educational videos.
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Most popular searches include
Build informative video presentations online
Create animated explainer videos
Explain to customers the benefits of your product or service and how it works. Choose from a variety of explainer toolkits and create a converting video with no fuss.
Visualize important data
Use infographics toolkits to create data-driven presentations or communicate your research findings to the audience.
Make whiteboard animations
Present complex ideas in a simple way with comprehensive whiteboard animation toolkits. Find over 1000 scenes on any subject imaginable.
All-inclusive presentation toolkits
Engaging presentations for various settings
Create informative video presentations for corporate meetings, social media marketing, or even educational video channels.
Large collections of scenes
Each template comes with a wide array of scenes to choose from. Search for the required items and insert them with a single click.
Different styles and transitions
Customize your presentation by selecting one of the available styles, transitions, and color palettes.