Music Visualisations
Video aspect ratio
16 : 9
1 : 1
9 : 16
Frames per second
Artificial intelligence

Music Visualizer with Customizable Templates

Give a visual dimension to your music track with our reactive audio visualizers. Upload your file to one of the templates and visualize its subtlest rhythms. Promote your new single, music album, or channel with immersive and rhythmic visuals. Make the world pulse in harmony with your beats.
Character count 0/70
Most popular searches include
Create mesmerizing music visualizations online
Sound-responsive music visualizer
Each template has responsive elements that move in accord with the beats. Upload your track and watch the visuals respond in a pulsing rhythm.
Atmospheric 3D scenes
Create an immersive experience for your audience with animated 3D templates. Explore the visual side of music with our sound visualizer.
Stylish text holders
Draw attention to the name of the author and the music track with animated typography. Get your name imprinted in the minds of your audience.
Promote your music channel with our audio visualizer
Add your logo to image holders
Increase brand recognition by uploading your logo to the templates. Let your listeners recognize you in an instant.
Upload custom backgrounds
Make branded music videos by displaying custom images in the background: album covers, musician photographs, or other visuals.
Get a music video in a few steps
Pick a template, upload your media files, fill in the text field, and the music visualization is yours for the taking!