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9 : 16
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Video Templates for All Your Needs

Find stunning video templates for any purpose. Create animated promos, logo reveals, slideshows, kinetic typography, music visualizations, and more with our online video maker. Let these thematic templates turn video creation into an easy and fun process.
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Most popular searches include
Find thematic video templates in various categories
Easy navigation
Five main categories and dozens of subcategories to ensure you find the video template specifically suited to your needs.
Broad selection of scenes
Intro scenes, logo animations, image and video holders, lower thirds, and much more to plan the structure of your video.
User-friendly editor
Create effortlessly in a drag-and-drop environment with no technical skills or prior experience in video editing.
Boost your storytelling with ready-made video templates
Image and video support
Upload your media files to portray your company or product in the best light. Trim your photos and videos right in the editor.
Customizable color palettes
Have your say in the design of your video projects. Try the available color palettes or create a new one with your brand colors.
Music and sound effects
Maximize the impact of your videos with the right music or sound effects. Explore our music library or upload your own track.